2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools

2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 1
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 2
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 3
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 4
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 5
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 6
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 7
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 8
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 9
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 10
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 11
2 Commercial Buildings * 2.2 Acres * Equipment & Tools featured photo 12

April 19, 2022 6:00 PM


1699 Colbert Hollow Rd. Rock Spring, GA 30739


Online Only


***Note*** In order to give the real estate winning bidder a chance to bid on the personal property, this auction is set to 'Extend All Bidding'.
***Note*** A loader will not be available on pickup day. Please bring help and/or equipment to load your items.

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